All counters — Registry of Deeds Index Project

Counter NameNumber
of visits
Ref datePage name
mem1,217,35501 July 2022Memorial abstract
main_search424,10728 March 2022Main index search page
home273,34428 March 2022The project home page
townland105,96428 March 2022Townland Index search page
grantors60,34128 March 2022Grantors Index search page
all searches47,40006 October 2022Link page to searching al the databases
grant_nav30,59112 July 2022Grantor film navigation
by_vol25,96723 July 2022By volume summary
town_letter25,49912 July 2022Townland find a letter
new name file18,23808 August 2022sql based name file
transcript search16,45929 November 2023Search transcription of memorials
count_abstracter16,00729 March 2022Main database index web form
two families15,82202 September 2022Search for 2 families in one deed
transcript15,70629 March 2022Transcriptions of memorials
all_guides12,35516 April 2022Guides to the Registry of Deeds
fs_nav11,28828 March 2022FamilySearch navigation page
land_coverage10,51115 April 2022Coverage of the land index
example8,00826 May 2023Example of how to use the main database
How to index mem7,48212 December 2022Guide to indexing a memorial
grantor form7,24718 March 2024 
contribs7,24329 March 2022Show contributor counts
RoD Order5,81409 September 2022Link to order form at the Registry
contact webmaster5,43426 February 2023Contact form
missing_pages5,26120 August 2022Missing page page
all counts4,97024 August 2022Summary counts page
by_numb4,90429 March 2022Get the entries from the next 25 memorials
begin research4,69328 November 2022Beginners guide to using the Registry of Deeds
new number file4,06008 August 2022sql based number file
send mail3,31726 February 2023 
next25mems3,28016 April 2022Get the entries from the next 25 memorials
film_nav2,32413 November 2022Navigating the Family Search virtual micro films
codes explained2,31829 January 2023Quick guide to codes used in the project
browse menu2,31226 February 2024Browse menu
mem_only2,03616 April 2022Guide to finding a transcript when you only have the memorial number
large mems1,78118 September 2022List of 100 memorials with the greatest number of index entries
video guide macro1,51404 December 2022Video guide for the macro indexing workbook
img_linked_by_vol1,44604 November 2023The proportion of index entries with image links by volume
Guide_Town_Submit1,44018 September 2022Guide to submitting townland index entries
Guide_Grantor_Submit 1,43218 September 2022Guide to submitting grantor index entries
Town_ex1,39123 May 2023 
17C1,33909 May 2022Memorials with refereences to 17th century deeds
using FS images1,32503 March 2023Guide to using FS images
FS full text1,07327 January 2025 
trans_entry1,01229 March 2022Guide to submitting memorial transcriptions
events78127 September 2022500k Event recording
Name_search_count77116 July 2022Count of Name Searches
alliance49506 May 2022Search the alliances database
Show list44528 January 2023View list of abstracts through main search page
Dump form data37424 July 2022Dump data from abstract form
tags home34929 January 2024Tags home
tags login33229 January 2024Tags login
notes29629 March 2022Notes for making index entries
missing story27907 January 2024 
after_date5525 February 2023Get number of record with upload date after a date
summer2313 January 2023 
land_coverage idxr1907 December 2023 
MS list1324 October 2024 
grant_search.txt1214 December 2023 
1405913 April 2022 
Reg date ranges 10814 December 2023 
links by vol605 December 2022 
all_counters411 May 2022Count summary page
test_it219 April 2022 
mem IGRS204 March 2023