Contributor Efforts main index — Registry of Deeds Index Project

This is the list of contributors to the Registry of Deeds Index Project

NameCodeTotal number of
index records
Number of index
records since
29 Dec 2024
Roz McCutcheonRoz McC1571480
Ron PriceRonPrice936582706
Hilary JarvisHalifax787232753
Shirley WalshSW5815136
Nick Reddannickred37997852
Kay MacKeoghKayMcK335792359
Liam Lowewlowe314400
Anne ChamneyAnneChamney184620
Mike from VancouverVancouverMike180290
Peter McWilliamPMcW142160
Allison KilpatrickAlison Kilpatrick132830
Maureen O'SullivanMOS127010
Susie WarrenSusie Warren896542
John GoodwillieJohn Goodwillie66190
Dawn LoweDawn45400
Rosemary ColebyColeby31470
Don CDAC2966333
Lyn Lloyd-SmithLyn Lloyd-Smith25790
Paul WhitePaulW23810
John SquierJohn Squier20290
Daniel Talbot DT14180
Anthony McCanAnthony13300
Michael LeaderML12910
Tom Dalytagd11250
Peter SchaldenbrandPeterSchal10050
Robert CooperRobert Cooper9900
Abst in OKeif,Coshe Mang,etcCasey8810
Jenny HackerJenny H8150
henry crerarhhatton16940
Brian Wraybrian5920
Henry & Anne de Montfortde_montfort5810
Don SchlegelDSch5790
Aoife FitzGeraldAoife Fitz4520
Kae LewisKaeLewis4510
Donna WyattDonna_W3870
Alison GalliganAlisonGalligan3690
Jenny CreedJennyC3680
Claire SullivanClaire Sullivan3180
Keith JohnsonKeith3080
Meg YoungMegYoung2930
Joseph Wearingjwearing2880
Gillian IlesGillian2530
David IngrouilleMonsell D2270
Hilary WalkerHilary1950
Patrick AndersonPatrick1860
Derek ElliottBuknoy1840
Patrick RPAR1790
Erika LoprestiELopresti1730
Tracey BrookerTracey Brooker1700
Chris PigottChris PIGOTT1600
Kaye ColeKaye1580
Sue Beattysbeatty1570
Tony ArthurTony1370
Sharon Oddie BrownSharonOB1330
Frank ThompsonFrankT1250
Andrew WinnettAW1150
Tom CraneTcrane11435
Share + LearnShare + Learn988
Brady L RobbinsBradyLRobbins750
Valerie GartonValerie720
Carloine GlassCarolineG600
Tom Moffatttmoffatt590
Andrew GrannellAndrewG550
Frank from Ozfrankoz540
Peter HarrisPJHarris440
Ray TyrrellRayTyrrell390
Charlie Dalycdaly380
Brian HassardBJHassard310
Tom LaPorteTomLP290
Minnie CousinsKazma280
Johnna SpencerJoannaS280
Jim TothJimT240
Patricia Hartpatricia88230
James Reidjfreid230
Roz McCutcheonRoz McC1230
Ron PriceRonPrice1220
Kieran HoareKieranH220
Kelly Skelsel29210
Paddy Waldronpwaldron200
Fred NagleFNagle200
Andrew OlerAndrew Oler190
Jeffrey BernardJeffrey Bernard170
John FalveyJ Falvey170
James Reidjfreid81160
Judith HaymanJudith Hayman160
Jenny JoyceJennyJoyce160
Janet GallinJanet Gallin160
Julie BoydHoneyCow150
Jonathan GrayJonathan Gray120
Christopher Richardsc_richards110
Pádraig Mac Cárthaighmac cartaigh100
Cheryl Hebbschebbs100
Patricia SessionsPatricia Sessions100
Edward MacLysaght (from book)EdMacLysaght100
Paul GreaneyPaulGreaney90
pat o spat o s80
Karen Hemminghamkhemmingham80
Barry Smithbarrysmith70
Richard KeaysRichard Keays70
Nick Reddannickred160
Irene GIMW60
Jo BakerJoBaWin50
Bill JehanJehan50
Jim BouldenJboulden50
lesley gettylesley getty30
Brett FergusonBrett Ferguson20

indexing effort