Aids for navigating Registry of Deeds virtual films
The purpose of this page is to provide assistance in navigating the films of memorial transcription books and indexes from the Registry of Deeds on the Familysearch site.
Memorial transcription books films
Quickly go to an image in the memorial microfilms on FamilySearch
The above link is to a form where you can input a volume number (and image number) to go to either the beginning of the volume or to aspecific image number. Note that in most cases there is more than one volume on each virtual film. Usually there are two pages on each image so you and navigate reasonably quickly to the image you want. However, in the first few volumes there are lots of notices which means that finding a page number is more difficult.
Missing pages
The date ranges of books upto 1832
Number of volumes in each year from 1833
Navigating the images
A guide to navigating the virtual microfilms on FamilySearch
The above link shows how to navigate a film and use binary search to quickly hone in of the image of a particular page.
A guide to using the virtual microfilms on FamilySearch
The above link is an introductory guide to using the virtual microfilms.
Index films
Another guide to help using the grantor index microfilms on FamilySearch
The above link is to a page that lets you go quickly to the grantors index for family names that beginning with a particular letter. It is not complete for later years.
Another guide to help using the townland microfilms on FamilySearch
The above link is to a page that lets you go quickly to the townland (land) index for denominations that beginning with a particular letter in each county. It is not complete for later years.