Transcriptions — Registry of Deeds Index Project

Volume: 6
Page: 433
Memorial: 2485

Transcribed by: nickred

To the Register appointed for Registering Deeds, Conveyances and Wills pursuant to an Act of parliament Intitled an Act for the Publick Registering of all Deeds Conveyances and Wills that shall be made of any Honors Mannors Lands Tenemts or Hereditaments

Usher to Taylor
Regrd the 20th day of Novr 1711 at 4 a Clock in the afternoon

A Memoriall of a Deed of Mortgage to be registered pursuant to an Act of Parliament made in Ireland in the sixth year of the Reign of our sovereign Lady Anne Intitled as Act for the Publick Registering of all Deeds Conveyances and Wills that shall be made of any Honors Mannors Lands Tenemts or Hereditaments Which said deed beares date and was duly perfected the fourteenth day of Novr Ann Dom 1711 and made between Henry USSHER of Balsoone in the County of Meath Esqr of the one part and Sr Thos TAYLOR of Kells in the said County Bart of the other part Reciting (inter alia) that stating of Accounts Between the said Henry USSHER and the said Sr Thos TAYLOR there appeared due to the said Sr Thomas TAYLOR for interest of the severall sums in the said deed mentioned to the sixth of Novr 1711 the sums of three Hundred Sixty pounds nineteen shillings & nine pence and Eighty four pounds thirteen shillings five pence sterg The said deed witnesseth that the said Henry USSHER for securing the payment of the said severall sums and the interest thereof and in consideration of the further sums of Five Hundred & fifty four Pounds six shilling and ten pence Sterg to him the said Henry USSHER paid by the said Sr Thos TAYLOR the receipt whereof the said Henry USSHER did acknowledge and thereof acquittt the said Sr Thos TAYLOR his heirs Exrs & Admrs for ever the said several Sums in the whole amounting to One Thousand Pounds Sterg hath granted, aliened released and confirme unto the said Sr Thos TAYLOR his heirs & Assignes All that & those towns and Lands of Trebly, Knockstowne, Ballynafedoge and Bridge End lying and being in the barony of Deece and County of Meath & the Reversion & Reversions Remainder & Remainders Rents Issues and Profits & all the estate right title interest claim property & Demand whatsoever of the said Henry USSHER of & or to the sd lands & Premisses or any part thereof to have & to hold The said Towns and Lands of Trebly, Knockstowne, Ballynafedoge and Bridge End with their appurtances unto the said Sr Thos TAYLOR his heirs and assigns for ever subject nevertheless to this provisoe or condition that if the said Henry USSHER his Heirs Exrs or Admrs should pay or cause to be paid unto the said Sr Thos TAYLOR his Heirs or Assignes the said sum of One Thousand Pounds together with the legall Interest that should be then due for the same at or upon the fourteenth day of May 1712 that then & from thenceforth the said deed & the Estate thereby made should Cease and determine Which said deed is Witnessed by Jocelin USSHER of Rossnedough In the Queen's County Esqr, John BATE of the City of Dublin Gent and Philip Reily of the said City Gent


This Memll was signed & sealed by the above named Sr Thos TAYLOR in the presence of us:

The above named Philip REILY came before me this day and made oath that he saw the above named Henry USSHER duly seal & Execute the above DEED (whereof the above Writing is a Memll) and that he likewise saw the above named Sr Thos TAYLOR duly sign & Seal the said Memll and that the name (Phill REILY) subscribed as a witness to sd deed & Memll is this Depts own proper handwriting and furthe deposeth that the sd memll was delivered to Mr Bruen WORTHINGTON Dep Regr on Tuesday the twentieth day of Novr 1711 at four a Clock in teh afternoon Jur cor 20o die Novr 1711 Bruen WORTHINGTON Dep Regr

Page 433 is not included in the FamilySearch microfilm. This transcription is from a photo of the memorial book taken in July 2023